Interior design The Minato Residence Villa

Interior design The Minato Residence Villa

Project information

Mr Duong

The Minato Residence Urban Area, Le Chan District, Hai Phong Province

480 m2


Villa is one of the most luxurious types of housing today. Therefore, the requirements for a living space are not only functional but also aesthetic, especially affirming the class of the owner.

Mr Duong - The investor of The Minato Residence Villa with a total floor area of 480 m2 wishes to design the architecture and interior of the villa with a youthful direction, interior materials with bright and luxurious tones, especially must be used. Smart furniture for convenience when using.

3T Group architects have chosen a modern, fresh style to design the villa. The apartment is used main interior materials: Vicostone artificial stone, natural oak wood, Laminate-coated industrial wood, Acrylic, Laminate-coated Picomat plastic wood... The harmonious combination of colors and functions of the equipment has been used. creating a luxurious villa, raising the level of the owner.